Fibromyalgia Charities and Support Groups – Peer Support
Following diagnosis, most fibromyalgia patients in my experience have minimal support from doctors, so have to get on with things themselves. This is where dedicated charities/support groups can help to bridge the gap. They offer peer support and information to both fibromyalgia patients and their loved ones. Research shows the importance of such support networks in the reconstruction of identity following diagnosis, acceptance of fibromyalgia and ongoing coping mechanisms. 45. They are also key in preventing loneliness and isolation that often occurs following diagnosis.
Finding a good peer support group can be difficult
Finding a good peer support group that provide unconditional support and work hard to prevent dwelling on the negative aspects of fibromyalgia is no easy task. In Scotland and the UK, I recommend More Than Fibro SCIO. They are a charitable organisation that works hard to raise awareness and provides online support across social media. And also provide advocacy services to fibromyalgia patients and their carers. Run by volunteers with fibromyalgia, they are a friendly, welcoming bunch who encourage a can-do attitude. Founder, Sharon Turnbull, received the UK Prime Minister’s Point of Light Award earlier this year in recognition of creating a support network for the fibromyalgia community.
Sharon and her team lead monthly support group meetings in Glasgow and Edinburgh along with regular, seasonal walking groups for members who live locally. There are also Facebook Support Groups for all members regardless of where they live. They have lots of opportunities for members to volunteer and feel valued. Further support services are being developed as Covid restrictions are lifted and funding allows. You can contact More Than Fibro SCIO via their website or Facebook page
10% of affiliate commissions will be donated to More Than Fibro SCIO
Such is my belief in them and the fabulous work they do, I have partnered with them. I will donate 10% of all the commissions I make from purchases through my affiliate links from this website. So not only do your purchases cost the same price as going to the supplier directly, you are also making a donation to a very worthwhile cause.
If you have any questions about anything that you’ve read here; or there is an aspect of fibromyalgia that you would like more information on; please contact me and I’ll do my best to help you.
45. Ashe, S.C., Furness, P.J., Taylor, S.J., Haywood-Small, S. and Lawson, K., 2017. A qualitative exploration of the experiences of living with and being treated for fibromyalgia. Health psychology open, 4(2), p.2055102917724336.