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Here you will find relevant health related research articles and the article they relate to.

Fibromyalgia Knowledge – All Articles

1. Schreibman, C., 2021. Understanding Fibromyalgia 2020. Physician Assistant Clinics, 6(1), pp.89-96.

2. NHS UK, 2021. Fibromyalgia – Overview. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/fibromyalgia/ Accessed June 2021.

3. Berger, A.A., Keefe, J., Winnick, A., Gilbert, E., Eskander, J.P., Yazdi, C., Kaye, A.D., Viswanath, O. and Urits, I., 2020. Cannabis and cannabidiol (CBD) for the treatment of fibromyalgia. Best Practice & Research Clinical Anaesthesiology.

4. Inanici, F.F. and Yunus, M.B., 2004. History of fibromyalgia: past to present. Current pain and headache reports, 8(5), pp.369-378.

5. Frontera, W.R., Silver, J.K. and Rizzo, T.D., 2018. Essentials of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences.

6. Wolfe, F., Smythe, H.A., Yunus, M.B., Bennett, R.M., Bombardier, C., Goldenberg, D.L., Tugwell, P., Campbell, S.M., Abeles, M., Clark, P. and Fam, A.G., 1990. The American College of Rheumatology 1990 criteria for the classification of fibromyalgia. Arthritis & Rheumatism: Official Journal of the American College of Rheumatology, 33(2), pp.160-172.

7. Wolfe, F., Clauw, D.J., Fitzcharles, M.A., Goldenberg, D.L., Katz, R.S., Mease, P., Russell, A.S., Russell, I.J., Winfield, J.B. and Yunus, M.B., 2010. The American College of Rheumatology preliminary diagnostic criteria for fibromyalgia and measurement of symptom severity. Arthritis care & research, 62(5), pp.600-610.

8. Wolfe, F., Clauw, D.J., Fitzcharles, M.A., Goldenberg, D.L., Häuser, W., Katz, R.L., Mease, P.J., Russell, A.S., Russell, I.J. and Walitt, B., 2016, December. 2016 Revisions to the 2010/2011 fibromyalgia diagnostic criteria. In Seminars in arthritis and rheumatism (Vol. 46, No. 3, pp. 319-329). WB Saunders.

9. Amsterdam, D. and Buskila, D., 2021. Etiology and Triggers in the Development of Fibromyalgia. In Fibromyalgia Syndrome (pp. 17-31). Springer, Cham.

10. Ursini, F., Ciaffi, J., Mancarella, L., Lisi, L., Brusi, V., Cavallari, C., D’Onghia, M., Mari, A., Borlandelli, E., Cordella, J.F. and La Regina, M., 2021. Fibromyalgia: a new facet of the post-COVID-19 syndrome spectrum? Results from a web-based survey. RMD open, 7(3), p.e001735.

11. Clauw, D.J., 2015, May. Fibromyalgia and related conditions. In Mayo Clinic Proceedings (Vol. 90, No. 5, pp. 680-692). Elsevier.

12. Martínez-Lavín, M., 2018. Fibromyalgia and small fiber neuropathy: the plot thickens!. Clinical rheumatology, 37(12), pp.3167-3171.

13. Goebel, A., Krock, E., Gentry, C., Israel, M.R., Jurczak, A., Urbina, C.M., Sandor, K., Vastani, N., Maurer, M., Cuhadar, U. and Sensi, S., 2021. Passive transfer of fibromyalgia symptoms from patients to mice. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 131(13), p.e144201.

14. British Thyroid Foundation, 2021. Your Thyroid Gland. https://www.btf-thyroid.org/what-is-thyroid-disorder Accessed July 2021.

15. Nowicki, J. and Lowe, J.C., 2020. Fibromyalgia Syndrome. In Textbook of Natural Medicine (pp. 1319-1329). Churchill Livingstone.

16. Liu, Y., Qian, C. and Yang, M., 2016. Treatment patterns associated with ACR-recommended medications in the management of fibromyalgia in the United States. Journal of managed care & specialty pharmacy, 22(3), pp.263-271.

17. Carville, S.F., Arendt-Nielsen, S., Bliddal, H., Blotman, F., Branco, J.C., Buskila, D., Da Silva, J.A.P., Danneskiold-Samsøe, B., Dincer, F., Henriksson, C. and Henriksson, K.G., 2008. EULAR evidence-based recommendations for the management of fibromyalgia syndrome. Annals of the rheumatic diseases, 67(4), pp.536-541.

18. Macfarlane, G.J., Kronisch, C., Dean, L.E., Atzeni, F., Häuser, W., Fluß, E., Choy, E., Kosek, E., Amris, K., Branco, J. and Dincer, F.İ.T.N.A.T., 2017. EULAR revised recommendations for the management of fibromyalgia. Annals of the rheumatic diseases, 76(2), pp.318-328.

19. Alvarez, A. and Khan, D., 2021. Multiple Drug Intolerance Syndrome in Fibromyalgia. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 147(2), p.AB13.

20. Schenk, M. and Wirz, S., 2015. Serotonin syndrome and pain medication: What is relevant for practice?. Schmerz (Berlin, Germany), 29(2), pp.229-251.

21. Ishikawa, H., Takeshima, M., Ishikawa, H., Ayabe, N., Ohta, H. and Mishima, K., 2021. Pregabalin withdrawal in patients without psychiatric disorders taking a regular dose of pregabalin: A case series and literature review. Neuropsychopharmacology Reports.

22. Kosten, T.R. and Baxter, L.E., 2019. Effective management of opioid withdrawal symptoms: a gateway to opioid dependence treatment. The American journal on addictions, 28(2), pp.55-62.

23. Metyas, S., Chen, C.L., Yeter, K., Solyman, J. and Arkfeld, D.G., 2018. Low dose naltrexone in the treatment of fibromyalgia. Current rheumatology reviews, 14(2), pp.177-180.

24. Patten, D.K., Schultz, B.G. and Berlau, D.J., 2018. The safety and efficacy of low‐dose naltrexone in the management of chronic pain and inflammation in multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, Crohn’s disease, and other chronic pain disorders. Pharmacotherapy: The Journal of Human Pharmacology and Drug Therapy, 38(3), pp.382-389.

25. Russo, E.B., 2016. Clinical endocannabinoid deficiency reconsidered: current research supports the theory in migraine, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel, and other treatment-resistant syndromes. Cannabis and cannabinoid research, 1(1), pp.154-165.

26. Habib, G., Khazin, F. and Artul, S., 2021. The Effect of Medical Cannabis on Pain Level and Quality of Sleep among Rheumatology Clinic Outpatients. Pain Research and Management, 2021.

27. Habib, G. and Levinger, U., 2020. Characteristics of medical cannabis usage among patients with fibromyalgia. Harefuah, 159(5), pp.343-348.

28. Berger, A.A., Keefe, J., Winnick, A., Gilbert, E., Eskander, J.P., Yazdi, C., Kaye, A.D., Viswanath, O. and Urits, I., 2020. Cannabis and cannabidiol (CBD) for the treatment of fibromyalgia. Best Practice & Research Clinical Anaesthesiology.

29. Andrade, A., Dominski, F.H. and Sieczkowska, S.M., 2020, February. What we already know about the effects of exercise in patients with fibromyalgia: An umbrella review. In Seminars in arthritis and rheumatism. WB Saunders.

30. Andrade, A., Steffens, R.D.A.K., Vilarino, G.T., Miranda, R., Benetti, M. and Coimbra, D.R., 2020. Preferred exercise and mental health of the patients with fibromyalgia syndrome. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 40, p.101195.

31. Pulido-Martos, M., Luque-Reca, O., Segura-Jiménez, V., Álvarez-Gallardo, I.C., Soriano-Maldonado, A., Acosta-Manzano, P., Gavilán-Carrera, B., McVeigh, J.G., Geenen, R., Delgado-Fernández, M. and Estévez-López, F., 2020. Physical and psychological paths toward less severe fibromyalgia: A structural equation model. Annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine, 63(1), pp.46-52.

32. Estévez-López, F., Maestre-Cascales, C., Russell, D., Álvarez-Gallardo, I.C., Rodriguez-Ayllon, M., Hughes, C.M., Davison, G.W., Sañudo, B. and McVeigh, J.G., 2020. Effectiveness of exercise on fatigue and sleep quality in fibromyalgia: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised trials. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

33. Bjørklund, G., Dadar, M., Chirumbolo, S. and Aaseth, J., 2018. Fibromyalgia and nutrition: Therapeutic possibilities?. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 103, pp.531-538.

34. Silva, A.R., Bernardo, A., Costa, J., Cardoso, A., Santos, P., de Mesquita, M.F., Vaz Patto, J., Moreira, P., Silva, M.L. and Padrão, P., 2019. Dietary interventions in fibromyalgia: a systematic review. Annals of medicine, 51(sup1), pp.2-14.

35. D’Onghia, M., Ciaffi, J., Lisi, L., Mancarella, L., Ricci, S., Stefanelli, N., Meliconi, R. and Ursini, F., 2021, April. Fibromyalgia and obesity: A comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis. In Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism (Vol. 51, No. 2, pp. 409-424). WB Saunders.

36. Tomaino, L., Serra-Majem, L., Martini, S., Ingenito, M.R., Rossi, P., La Vecchia, C., Bamonti, F. and Vigna, L., 2020. Fibromyalgia and Nutrition: An Updated Review. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, pp.1-14.

37. Hillard, C.J., 2018. Circulating endocannabinoids: from whence do they come and where are they going?. Neuropsychopharmacology, 43(1), pp.155-172.

38. Boehnke, K.F., Gagnier, J.J., Matallana, L. and Williams, D.A., 2021. Cannabidiol use for fibromyalgia: Prevalence of use and perceptions of effectiveness in a large online survey. The Journal of Pain, 22(5), pp.556-566.

39. Boehnke, K.F., Gagnier, J.J., Matallana, L. and Williams, D.A., 2021. Substituting Cannabidiol for Opioids and Pain Medications Among Individuals With Fibromyalgia: A Large Online Survey. The journal of pain.

40. Mohabbat, A.B., Mahapatra, S., Jenkins, S.M., Bauer, B.A., Vincent, A. and Wahner-Roedler, D.L., 2019. Use of Complementary and Integrative Therapies by Fibromyalgia Patients: A 14-Year Follow-up Study. Mayo Clinic Proceedings: Innovations, Quality & Outcomes, 3(4), pp.418-428.

41. Lauche, R., Cramer, H., Häuser, W., Dobos, G. and Langhorst, J., 2015. A systematic overview of reviews for complementary and alternative therapies in the treatment of the fibromyalgia syndrome. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2015.

42. Perry, R., Leach, V., Davies, P., Penfold, C., Ness, A. and Churchill, R., 2017. An overview of systematic reviews of complementary and alternative therapies for fibromyalgia using both AMSTAR and ROBIS as quality assessment tools. Systematic reviews, 6(1), pp.1-23.

43. Prabhakar, A., Kaiser, J.M., Novitch, M.B., Cornett, E.M., Urman, R.D. and Kaye, A.D., 2019. The role of complementary and alternative medicine treatments in fibromyalgia: a comprehensive review. Current rheumatology reports, 21(5), pp.1-7.

44. Maffei, M.E., 2020. Fibromyalgia: Recent advances in diagnosis, classification, pharmacotherapy and alternative remedies. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(21), p.7877.

45. Ashe, S.C., Furness, P.J., Taylor, S.J., Haywood-Small, S. and Lawson, K., 2017. A qualitative exploration of the experiences of living with and being treated for fibromyalgia. Health psychology open, 4(2), p.2055102917724336.

46. Doebl, S., Macfarlane, G.J. and Hollick, R.J., 2020. “No one wants to look after the fibro patient”. Understanding models, and patient perspectives, of care for fibromyalgia: reviews of current evidence. Pain, 161(8), pp.1716-1725.

47. Gendelman, O., Amital, H., Bar-On, Y., Shor, D.B.A., Amital, D., Tiosano, S., Shalev, V., Chodick, G. and Weitzman, D., 2018. Time to diagnosis of fibromyalgia and factors associated with delayed diagnosis in primary care. Best Practice & Research Clinical Rheumatology, 32(4), pp.489-499.

What is CBD? CBD is a Cannabinoid.

1. Russo, E.B., 2016. Beyond cannabis: plants and the endocannabinoid system. Trends in pharmacological sciences37(7), pp.594-605.

2. McCreath, S.B. and Delgoda, R., 2017. Pharmacognosy: Fundamentals, applications and strategies. Academic Press.

The Endocannabinoid System. How does CBD work?

1. Chye, Y., Christensen, E., Solowij, N. and Yücel, M., 2019. The endocannabinoid system and cannabidiol’s promise for the treatment of substance use disorder. Frontiers in psychiatry, 10, p.63.

2. Jamie Corroon, N.D., 2019. The Endocannabinoid System and its Modulation by Cannabidiol (CBD). Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 25, pp.6-14.

3. Romero, P., Peris, A., Vergara, K. and Matus, J.T., 2020. Comprehending and improving cannabis specialized metabolism in the systems biology era. Plant Science, 298, p.110571.

4. Nahtigal, I. & Blake, Alexia & Hand, A. & Florentinus-Mefailoski, A. & Hashemi, Haleh & Friedberg, Jeremy. (2016). The pharmacological properties of cannabis. Cannabis: Medical Aspects. 9. 481-491.

5. Fezza, F., Bari, M., Florio, R., Talamonti, E., Feole, M. and Maccarrone, M., 2014. Endocannabinoids, related compounds and their metabolic routes. Molecules, 19(11), pp.17078-17106.

6. McPartland, J.M., Guy, G.W. and Di Marzo, V., 2014. Care and feeding of the endocannabinoid system: a systematic review of potential clinical interventions that upregulate the endocannabinoid system. PloS one, 9(3), p.e89566.

7. Hillard, C.J., 2018. Circulating endocannabinoids: from whence do they come and where are they going?. Neuropsychopharmacology, 43(1), pp.155-172.

8. Silote, G.P., Sartim, A., Sales, A., Eskelund, A., Guimarães, F.S., Wegener, G. and Joca, S., 2019. Emerging evidence for the antidepressant effect of cannabidiol and the underlying molecular mechanisms. Journal of chemical neuroanatomy, 98, pp.104-116.

9. Chin, G.S., Page, R.L. and Bainbridge, J., 2020. The Pharmacodynamics, Pharmacokinetics, and Potential Drug Interactions of Cannabinoids. In Cannabis in Medicine (pp. 49-61). Springer, Cham.

10. Russo, E.B., 2008. Clinical endocannabinoid deficiency (CECD): can this concept explain therapeutic benefits of cannabis in migraine, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome and other treatment-resistant conditions?. Neuro endocrinology letters, 29(2), pp.192-200.

Cannabinoid Extraction From Cannabis Sativa

1. Nahtigal, I. & Blake, Alexia & Hand, A. & Florentinus-Mefailoski, A. & Hashemi, Haleh & Friedberg, Jeremy. (2016). The pharmacological properties of cannabis. Cannabis: Medical Aspects. 9. 481-491.

2. Happyana, N., Agnolet, S., Muntendam, R., Van Dam, A., Schneider, B. and Kayser, O., 2013. Analysis of cannabinoids in laser-microdissected trichomes of medicinal Cannabis sativa using LCMS and cryogenic NMR. Phytochemistry, 87, pp.51-59.

3. Romero, P., Peris, A., Vergara, K. and Matus, J.T., 2020. Comprehending and improving cannabis specialized metabolism in the systems biology era. Plant Science, 298, p.110571.

4. McCreath, S.B. and Delgoda, R., 2017. Pharmacognosy: Fundamentals, applications and strategies. Academic Press.

5. Pauli, C.S., Conroy, M., Heuvel, B.D.V. and Park, S.H., 2020. Cannabidiol drugs clinical trial outcomes and adverse effects. Frontiers in Pharmacology11.

6. Home Office 2019. Factsheet- Cannabis, CBD and other cannabinoids. Available at https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/825872/factsheet-cannabis-cbd-and-cannabinoids-2019.pdf

Cannabinoids and UK Law

1. Home Office 2019. Factsheet- Cannabis, CBD and other cannabinoids. Available at https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/825872/factsheet-cannabis-cbd-and-cannabinoids-2019.pdf

2. Committee on Toxicity, 2020. Position paper on the potential risk of CBD in CBD food products. Available at https://cot.food.gov.uk/sites/default/files/2020-08/cbdpositionpaper290720_accessibleinadobepro.pdf

3. Walker, M. and Axford, I. Government Chemist Guidance: Analytical Limits for Controlled Cannabinoids in Specified Products Containing Cannabidiol (CBD) Available at https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/guidance-on-analytical-limits-for-controlled-cannabinoids

4. Koltai, H. and Namdar, D., 2020. Cannabis Phytomolecule ‘Entourage’: From Domestication to Medical Use. Trends in Plant Science.

5. Professor Dame Sally Davies (CMO), 2018. Cannabis Scheduling Review Part 1: The therapeutic and medicinal benefits of Cannabis based products – a review of recent evidence. Accessed via https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/722010/CMO_Report_Cannabis_Products_Web_Accessible.pdf

Pets: Is it Legal to Give Them CBD?

1. Jamie Corroon, N.D., 2019. The Endocannabinoid System and its Modulation by Cannabidiol (CBD). Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 25, pp.6-14.

2. UK Government 2018. VMD statement on veterinary medicinal products containing Cannabidiol. Available at https://www.gov.uk/government/news/vmd-statement-on-veterinary-medicinal-products-containing-cannabidiol

CBD Products: Types and Quality

1. Meissner, H. and Cascella, M., 2020. Cannabidiol (CBD). StatPearls [Internet].

2. Uziel, A., Gelfand, A., Amsalem, K., Berman, P., Lewitus, G.M., Meiri, D. and Lewitus, D.Y., 2020. Full-Spectrum Cannabis Extract Microdepots Support Controlled Release of Multiple Phytocannabinoids for Extended Therapeutic Effect. ACS applied materials & interfaces, 12(21), pp.23707-23716.

3. Jacques, J., 2020. The Need for a Common Language. Alternative therapies in health and medicine, 26(S1), pp.4-5.

4. Committee on Toxicity, 2020. Position paper on the potential risk of CBD in CBD food products. Available at https://cot.food.gov.uk/sites/default/files/2020-08/cbdpositionpaper290720_accessibleinadobepro.pdf

5. Maayah, Z.H., Takahara, S., Ferdaoussi, M. and Dyck, J.R., 2020. The anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of formulated full-spectrum cannabis extract in the treatment of neuropathic pain associated with multiple sclerosis. Inflammation Research, 69(6), pp.549-558.

6. Cogan, P.S., 2020. Reality and legality: disentangling what is actual from what is tolerated in comparisons of hemp extracts with pure CBD. Journal of Dietary Supplements, 17(5), pp.527-542.

7. Benson, D., 2019. Christopher W. Shade, PhD: Defining Cannabinoids. Alternative therapies in health and medicine, 25, pp.30-33.

8. Koltai, H. and Namdar, D., 2020. Cannabis Phytomolecule ‘Entourage’: From Domestication to Medical Use. Trends in Plant Science.

9. Pamplona, F.A., da Silva, L.R. and Coan, A.C., 2018. Potential clinical benefits of CBD-rich cannabis extracts over purified CBD in treatment-resistant epilepsy: observational data meta-analysis. Frontiers in neurology, 9, p.759.

10. Marinotti, O. and Sarill, M., 2020. Differentiating full-spectrum hemp extracts from CBD isolates: implications for policy, safety and science. Journal of Dietary Supplements, 17(5), pp.517-526

11. Liebling, J.P., Clarkson, N.J., Gibbs, B.W., Yates, A.S. and O’Sullivan, S.E., 2020. An analysis of over-the-counter cannabidiol products in the United Kingdom. Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research.

Research and Safety: Is CBD Safe?

1. Pauli, C.S., Conroy, M., Heuvel, B.D.V. and Park, S.H., 2020. Cannabidiol drugs clinical trial outcomes and adverse effects. Frontiers in Pharmacology11.

2. Larsen, C. and Shahinas, J., 2020. Dosage, efficacy and safety of cannabidiol administration in adults: a systematic review of human trials. Journal of clinical medicine research, 12(3), p.129.

3. White, C.M., 2019. A review of human studies assessing cannabidiol’s (CBD) therapeutic actions and potential. The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 59(7), pp.923-934.

4. Capano, A., Weaver, R. and Burkman, E., 2020. Evaluation of the effects of CBD hemp extract on opioid use and quality of life indicators in chronic pain patients: a prospective cohort study. Postgraduate Medicine, 132(1), pp.56-61.

5. Sholler, D.J., Schoene, L. and Spindle, T.R., 2020. Therapeutic Efficacy of Cannabidiol (CBD): a Review of the Evidence From Clinical Trials and Human Laboratory Studies. Current Addiction Reports, pp.1-8.

6. Millar, S.A., Maguire, R.F., Yates, A.S. and O’Sullivan, S.E., 2020. Towards better delivery of cannabidiol (CBD). Pharmaceuticals, 13(9), p.219.

7. Dos Santos, R.G., Guimarães, F.S., Crippa, J.A.S., Hallak, J.E., Rossi, G.N., Rocha, J.M. and Zuardi, A.W., 2020. Serious adverse effects of cannabidiol (CBD): a review of randomized controlled trials. Expert Opinion on Drug Metabolism & Toxicology, 16(6), pp.517-526.

8. Committee on Toxicity, 2020. Position paper on the potential risk of CBD in CBD food products. Available at https://cot.food.gov.uk/sites/default/files/2020-08/cbdpositionpaper290720_accessibleinadobepro.pdf

Prescription Medication and CBD

1. Larsen, C. and Shahinas, J., 2020. Dosage, efficacy and safety of cannabidiol administration in adults: a systematic review of human trials. Journal of clinical medicine research, 12(3), p.129.

2. White, C.M., 2019. A review of human studies assessing cannabidiol’s (CBD) therapeutic actions and potential. The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 59(7), pp.923-934.

3. Millar, S.A., Maguire, R.F., Yates, A.S. and O’Sullivan, S.E., 2020. Towards better delivery of cannabidiol (CBD). Pharmaceuticals, 13(9), p.219.

4. Sholler, D.J., Schoene, L. and Spindle, T.R., 2020. Therapeutic Efficacy of Cannabidiol (CBD): a Review of the Evidence From Clinical Trials and Human Laboratory Studies. Current Addiction Reports, pp.1-8.

5. Morales, P. and Reggio, P.H., 2019. CBD: a new hope?. ACS Med. Chem. Lett. 2019, 10, 5, 694–695

6. Chin, G.S., Page, R.L. and Bainbridge, J., 2020. The Pharmacodynamics, Pharmacokinetics, and Potential Drug Interactions of Cannabinoids. In Cannabis in Medicine (pp. 49-61). Springer, Cham.

7. Brown, J.D. and Winterstein, A.G., 2019. Potential adverse drug events and drug–drug interactions with medical and consumer cannabidiol (CBD) use. Journal of clinical medicine, 8(7), p.989.

3rd Party, Independent Laboratory Testing

1. White, C.M., 2019. A review of human studies assessing cannabidiol’s (CBD) therapeutic actions and potential. The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 59(7), pp.923-934.

2. Gurley, B.J., Murphy, T.P., Gul, W., Walker, L.A. and ElSohly, M., 2020. Content versus label claims in cannabidiol (CBD)-containing products obtained from commercial outlets in the state of Mississippi. Journal of dietary supplements, 17(5), pp.599-607.

3. Liebling, J.P., Clarkson, N.J., Gibbs, B.W., Yates, A.S. and O’Sullivan, S.E., 2020. An analysis of over-the-counter cannabidiol products in the United Kingdom. Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research.

CBD Dose – How much CBD should I take?

1.  Gruschow, A., 2020. A Comparison of Antioxidant Potential, Total Phenolic Content, and Cannabidiol (CBD) Content of Cannabis Infused Hemp, MCT, and Olive Oils.

2. Millar, S.A., Maguire, R.F., Yates, A.S. and O’Sullivan, S.E., 2020. Towards better delivery of cannabidiol (CBD). Pharmaceuticals, 13(9), p.219.

3. Nahtigal, I. & Blake, Alexia & Hand, A. & Florentinus-Mefailoski, A. & Hashemi, Haleh & Friedberg, Jeremy. (2016). The pharmacological properties of cannabis. Cannabis: Medical Aspects. 9. 481-491.

4. Pagano, S., Coniglio, M., Valenti, C., Federici, M.I., Lombardo, G., Cianetti, S. and Marinucci, L., 2020. Biological effects of Cannabidiol on normal human healthy cell populations: Systematic review of the literature. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy132, p.110728.

5. Nelson, K.M., Bisson, J., Singh, G., Graham, J.G., Chen, S.N., Friesen, J.B., Dahlin, J.L., Niemitz, M., Walters, M.A. and Pauli, G.F., 2020. The Essential Medicinal Chemistry of Cannabidiol (CBD). Journal of medicinal chemistry, 63(21), pp.12137-12155.

6. Lucas, C.J., Galettis, P. and Schneider, J., 2018. The pharmacokinetics and the pharmacodynamics of cannabinoids. British journal of clinical pharmacology, 84(11), pp.2477-2482.

7. Millar, S.A., Stone, N.L., Yates, A.S. and O’sullivan, S.E., 2018. A systematic review on the pharmacokinetics of cannabidiol in humans. Frontiers in pharmacology, 9, p.1365.

8. Taylor, L., Gidal, B., Blakey, G., Tayo, B. and Morrison, G., 2018. A phase I, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, single ascending dose, multiple dose, and food effect trial of the safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetics of highly purified cannabidiol in healthy subjects. CNS drugs, 32(11), pp.1053-1067.

CBD Pastes and Oils

1. Millar, S.A., Maguire, R.F., Yates, A.S. and O’Sullivan, S.E., 2020. Towards better delivery of cannabidiol (CBD). Pharmaceuticals, 13(9), p.219.

2. Pagano S, Coniglio M, Valenti C, Federici MI, Lombardo G, Cianetti S, Marinucci L. Biological effects of Cannabidiol on normal human healthy cell populations: Systematic review of the literature. Biomed Pharmacother. 2020 Oct 7;132:110728. doi: 10.1016/j.biopha.2020.110728. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33038581.

3. Nelson, K.M., Bisson, J., Singh, G., Graham, J.G., Chen, S.N., Friesen, J.B., Dahlin, J.L., Niemitz, M., Walters, M.A. and Pauli, G.F., 2020. The Essential Medicinal Chemistry of Cannabidiol (CBD). Journal of medicinal chemistry, 63(21), pp.12137-12155.

4. Millar, S.A., Stone, N.L., Yates, A.S. and O’sullivan, S.E., 2018. A systematic review on the pharmacokinetics of cannabidiol in humans. Frontiers in pharmacology, 9, p.1365.

5. Taylor, L., Gidal, B., Blakey, G., Tayo, B. and Morrison, G., 2018. A phase I, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, single ascending dose, multiple dose, and food effect trial of the safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetics of highly purified cannabidiol in healthy subjects. CNS drugs, 32(11), pp.1053-1067.

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